Sunday, August 22, 2010

DFW to Korea

I have a couple of days of post as I am already behind...these are mainly boring musings as it was spent mostly on an airplane.

Korean Airlines, despite the fact that I had to pay an extra 150 dollars for my carry-on (it was too heavy) was very nice.  They had a nice selection of Korean pop music and movies (Iron Man 2, Kick-Ass, Various Documentaries) which made the flight seem much shorter than the previous times I have flown to Viet Nam.  The food was actually decent for airplane food.

I also liked their flight attendants: all 5'5 - 5'9 in heels, 100 pounds or less (yet able to lift 30 pounds over their heads), and very demure, exotic, and willing to please -- just the way I expect my Oriental women.  Although I would have liked more coy giggling as they covered their mouth with their hands.  (Side note: I am joking - some may get this but I did a paper on the descriptions of Asian women on the porn review sites/stereotypes of Asian women and it looks like Asian Airlines want to create a similar image of female flight attendants - well that took the humor out of that.) 

14 hours later, I arrived in Seoul where there was a very mean and intimidating female security guard.  She spoke no English and yelled at everyone in front of me (most of them were Vietnamese).  When it came to my turn, I made extra sure I had all my papers and luggage ready, smiled, did a mini bow.  She stared at me and grunted me pass.  I got off easy either from my charm or I creeped her out.  The Seoul Airport was very nice with plenty of stores and bright lights, though people kept talking to me in Korean.

Busy Busy Busy as you can see - Though there was a lot of art work and Korean "cultural" events to keep me occupied for the 4 hour layover.  I also ate at burger king - I know, I know.  My thought process was that the food at the airport was probably the same or worse than what I had in the US.  Real Korean food can wait when I actually visit the country.  Anyways I was expecting some crazy Korean-style burgers and sides but it was disappointingly the same but just in smaller portions.

Here is one of the cultural events.  You can also buy duty-free kimchi!

Okay, Vietnam is next!


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